Bridge Postdoctoral Fellowships-November 2015
ICBM-Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile Santiago, Chile
The Biomedical Neuroscience Institute (BNI; offers full time Bridge Postdoctoral positions to work in collaborative projects within the Institute. BNI is a Millennium Institute created in 2011, which groups 10 labs and approximately 200 people to provide a vibrant research environment. The Institute research focuses on understanding the structural and functional organization of the brain at a sub-cellular, cellular and whole organism level, applying an integrated and multidisciplinary strategy provided by cell biologists, neuroscientists —basic and clinical— and mathematicians.
We are seeking highly qualified and proactive candidates with experience in any field of expertise present in our center. Applicants must have a PhD at the time of appointment (awarded within the last 4 years) and a demonstrated track record of publications, should be willing to expand his/her knowledge and create new projects that associate 2 or more BNI labs. Salary is approximately US$ 18,500 per year. The appointment may begin as soon as November 2015, and may last for a maximum of one and a half years. Candidates are required to apply to the FONDECYT 2017 Postdoctoral competition (see below) to extend their funding and position at BNI.
-Candidates are expected to write a project, which should be framed in the philosophy and topics of the BNI (
-The sponsor must be a BNI Principal Investigator and should not have been a former PhD mentor of the candidate (
-Applicants must comply with the rules and apply to a FONDECYT Postdoctoral grant 2017 (
Interested researchers should send a complete CV and a short statement of research interests (max of 1 page) to Prof. Lisette Leyton ( In addition, the application should include a 3-page summary of the research project, including aims, name of the sponsor and co-sponsor(s) and a clear statement that indicates how this project will help associating BNI labs. Applicants should also request 2 letters of recommendation and arrange that they be delivered directly to Dr. Leyton. Applications should be received before October 30, 2015.
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