The Biomedical Neuroscience Institute (www.bni.cl) and the Geroscience Center for Brain Health and Metabolism (www.gerochile.cl) are seeking a highly-qualified and motivated applicant for a full time postdoctoral position at the laboratory of Proteostasis Control and Biomedicine of the University of Chile. The lab has also formal activities at the Buck Institute for Research in Aging, California (www.buckinstitute.org) that could complement the postdoctoral training.
Post-Doc Position:
This position funded by national grants project for a 3-year period. Starting date: For September 2022 or later upon agreement.
Project: The project is part of a larger initiative involving collaboration with different labs in the US, Europe and Chile, and is focused on assessing the relationship between protein misfolding aging and proteostasis. ALS and fronto-temporal dementia is the main target. This laboratory focuses on understanding the molecular basis of proteostasis control and its relationship to pathological conditions affecting the nervous system. The project aims to the study cellular strategies involved in adaptation to chronic endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. The ER has important cellular functions, highlighting its role as sophisticated machinery for protein folding and secretion. ER stress engages an integrated signaling pathway known as the “Unfolded Protein Response” (UPR), which aims to restore homeostasis. Nevertheless, the mechanisms that control the transition from an adaptive state to cell death processes remain unknown and is a central subject of our research. We are currently developing a systematic approach to underscore the effects of targeting the UPR in several brain diseases. He/she investigates signal transduction pathways regulating stress pathways (UPR, autophagy and apoptosis). Furthermore, he/she supports the Chair in teaching and student supervision.
Qualifications: Candidates are expected to hold a PhD in Biology or similar education, preferentially with several years of experience. Furthermore, a strong practical and theoretical background and experience in protein biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology and/or animal experimentation is of advantage. Good English language skills required.
Complete applications, including CV, publication list and 2 references should be submitted to Dr. Claudio Hetz (chetz@uchile.cl) or call +56 (2) 29786506. Website: www.hetzlab.cl
Publication date: 13 june 2022
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