Topics include:
– Cytoskeleton dysfunction in aging and neurodegenerative diseases
– Proteostasis in aging and neurodegenerative diseases
– Axonal degeneration and regeneration in neurodegenerative diseases
– Mitochondrial dysfunction in aging and neurodegenerative diseases
– Novel models for aging research (Killifish, Droshopila, mice)
– Stem cell generation (iPSC) from human neurodegenerative conditions
– Neuropsychology of ageing and neurodegeneratives diseases
– Ageing: Psychosocial studies
– Functional and structural connectivity methods for default mode and salience networks in ageing and neurodegeneration
– Computer systems for management and statistical machine learning for clinical data
LABS: Dr. Christian Gonzalez-Billault, Dr. Andrea Slachevsky, Dr. Felipe Court, Dr. Cesar Cardenas, Dr. Claudio Hetz, Dr. Daniela Thumala, Dr. Miguel Concha, Dra. Soledad Matus, Dr. Rene Vidal, Dr. Rodrigo Assar, Dr. Agustin Ibañez
Applications should include a CV with a list of publications, a short statement of research accomplishments, and the contact information of two professional references (via email).
Send Information by 9th February 2016
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