Se ofrecen tesis de pregrado, magíster y pasantías para bioquímicos.
Áreas: Microbiota intestinal, Microbiología, Metagenómica, Nutrigenómica Microbiana, Biología Molecular, Modulación de la microbiota con dietas prebióticas, Resistencia microbiana a antibióticos y metales pesados.
“Impact of prebiotics and low-protein nutritional management in gut microbiota structure, virulence and functional genes profile on the progression of chronic kidney disease”
(Vigencia 2018 – 2020)
Varias plazas disponibles
Molecular Microbiology and Food Research Laboratory
Escuela de Nutrición y Dietética
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Universidad San Sebastián
Laboratorio de Microbiologia Molecular e investigación en Alimentos
El laboratorio es un espacio nuevo recientemente implementado en la Universidad cuenta con aproximadamente 100 m2 de espacio y contará con equipamiento básico de microbiología y biología molecular que se encuentra en este momento en adquisición por proyecto.
Proposed titles for Thesis project in clinical study of CKD patients, intended for biochemical, chemical pharmaceutical or medical technologist (first and second Year 2018/2019)
“Changes in inflammatory and biochemical parameters in patients with CKD undergoing low-protein and prebiotic diet”
“Determining the changes in the intestinal microbiota during the progression of CKD in patients receiving low-protein and prebiotic diet”
“Determining the changes in metal resistance, antibiotic resistance and virulence factor genes in the intestinal microbiota during the progression of CKD in patients receiving low-protein and prebiotic diet.
Proposed titles for Thesis project intended for a bioinformatic undergraduate student (Second and third year 2019/2020)
“Characterization of the structure of the intestinal microbiota in subjects with CKD under low-protein and prebiotic diet”.
“Stability of the intestinal microbiota in subjects with CKD under low-protein and prebiotic diet”.
“Modeling the metabolic potential of the structure of the intestinal microbiota in subjects with CKD under low-protein and prebiotic diet”.
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